Reyland Cossie again

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RMS Regular
Leon FR
this was taken off one of the forums

Just got off the phone with Lee again and him and Martoon have been on the beer and actually sound a bit pissed.

He has given me permission to state his injuries now everything is going to be OK.

Well firstly the 100 stitches you heard about, well everyone of those was in his face. They think the exhaust flailing around hit Porkie in the face gashing from his lip all the way up through his nose. His septum (bit of skin in the middle of your nose) was clean removed from his face as was virtually the whole of his nose.

He has a very nasty gash over one of his eyes and his eyebrow has been stitched back on.

His back injury is an L3 (lumbar area) spinal fracture. He can still feel all of his legs and toes and stuff so there is no spinal cord damage.

He has a huge groin strain (maybe because of what Mike R said )

And unsurprisingly he is COMPLETLY covered in bruises and minor cuts.

Mike, I read your post to him and he pissed himself. He did say though that even though he has had to have HIS nose stitched back on, it still looks better than yours ever will

Martin is having to help Lee pee, by holding a bottle for him to piss into.

There bigest problem at the moment is that lee is bosting to take a sh*t as he hasn't had one in three days. They are still trying to work out the logistics of how that is gonna happen

The word from Martoooooooon who only has one small scratch above his eye is:

GET ME A FOOOOKIN SHELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thats right folks, the Escort WILL be back and he has stated that it will be bigger and better than ever before!!!!

Work will begin on it as soon as he is back in the UK.
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