What annoyed you today whilst driving ?


RMS Regular
Someone on here quoted:

"40 is the new 60" which has stuck in my mind and comes up every time I approach a car doing 30-40mph in a 60 which just farrrrrrrrrrrrks me right off - was wild today heading from Moira to Downpartrick.
So on the flipside of this I have absolutely no interest in driving a car hard (motorbikes are a different story) and will very happily piss along at 45/50 if I’ve nowhere to be and all day to get there.
HOWEVER I am one of these people who indicates left, hand out the window waving you past when it’s safe to do so as I don’t like anyone sitting up my backside, but the amount of brain dead morons totally oblivious that I’m telling them to pass is unreal. Literally I came to a complete stop once to let a car past that was riding my hole for a couple of miles, I was half pulled into the verge and they just sat behind me on a massively wide open road for a few seconds before finally twigging on and going round me 🤷‍♂️


RMS Regular
Some of the people following too close are doing so because they are wanting to get past but a fair number are just people who drive too close for no reason.
I remember reading somewhere something along the lines of those who may be driving too close behind but overtake safely when the opportunity arises are “ok” but those who tailgate and don’t overtake when the opportunity presents itself are the really bad drivers.

quattro Rick

RMS Regular
quattro / M796
I remember reading somewhere something along the lines of those who may be driving too close behind but overtake safely when the opportunity arises are “ok” but those who tailgate and don’t overtake when the opportunity presents itself are the really bad drivers.

I see this every day. It's the OAPs who do 40 everywhere. They can't see beyond their bonnet. People will happily sit up the arse of a tractor, unable to actually see around the thing, meaning any time they go to look if it's ok to pass they have to swerve out. Pure suicide, same with HGVs.

I've stopped letting cars pass me 90% of the time as I'll pull over and they'll just continue at the same speed. If I see someone actively gaining on me I can usually tell if they'll hinder me further up the road when the nice straight wide national road tightens up to twisty corners. Which I end up sitting behind a lot of cars through.

Frustrating doesn't cover it.


RMS Regular
There was a car a few cars in front of me doing 35 mph the other day in a 60 with another car up its hole wanting to get passed. The car behind then did an over take into an oncoming car. Totally stupid and dangerous but I feel that the 35 mph driver also should be considerate enough to drive at least to 45/50mph. At least then if the driver behind still overtakes dangerously then they are just a knob.


RMS Regular
Impreza Type RA
So on the flipside of this I have absolutely no interest in driving a car hard (motorbikes are a different story) and will very happily piss along at 45/50 if I’ve nowhere to be and all day to get there.
HOWEVER I am one of these people who indicates left, hand out the window waving you past when it’s safe to do so as I don’t like anyone sitting up my backside, but the amount of brain dead morons totally oblivious that I’m telling them to pass is unreal. Literally I came to a complete stop once to let a car past that was riding my hole for a couple of miles, I was half pulled into the verge and they just sat behind me on a massively wide open road for a few seconds before finally twigging on and going round me 🤷‍♂️

It’s great that you are trying to help but I don’t trust anybody who signals me like that as it’s me taking the risk and not them

Cyclists do this often but if I cannot see and assess the risk then I’m not taking it, it normally only takes a few seconds more for me to assess and decide

I’m certainly not afraid of an overtake but only those I can judge for myself


RMS Regular
The very angry man driving the Selecta-liveried white van this morning who slowed right down to give the w4nker sign at the speed van outside Carrick PSNI. Pretty sure he wouldn’t have been caught the speed he was doing! But I reckon he’d been in the past given his attitude.


RMS Regular
The very angry man driving the Selecta-liveried white van this morning who slowed right down to give the w4nker sign at the speed van outside Carrick PSNI. Pretty sure he wouldn’t have been caught the speed he was doing! But I reckon he’d been in the past given his attitude.

If you can't do the time....


RMS Regular
The absolute plum in a white Tesla (wee one?) that knocked his bollocks in to pass me before we went over Craigantlet, and at every straight, tried to give it a bit before braking at every corner, oncoming car, passing satellite, you name it, quite funny in one way to be pushing him through every corner in a 1.5 engined SUV before getting by him, but by **** he could not drive his finger up his hole.


RMS Regular
Camaro SS
The absolute plum in a white Tesla (wee one?) that knocked his bollocks in to pass me before we went over Craigantlet, and at every straight, tried to give it a bit before braking at every corner, oncoming car, passing satellite, you name it, quite funny in one way to be pushing him through every corner in a 1.5 engined SUV before getting by him, but by **** he could not drive his finger up his hole.
And this is why the roads are more dangerous than ever, because the average plum can access relatively fast accelerating vehicles.


RMS Regular
And this is why the roads are more dangerous than ever, because the average plum can access relatively fast accelerating vehicles.
Agree, he appeared to have absolutely no skills, it even seemed a bit of acceleration scared him. He must get about 6 months out of a set of pads.


RMS Regular
Granny this morning doing 20mph on Gransha Road with no safe straight to pass :mad:

On the way back, the dumbo woman cutting a hard right hander while I am coming round in the Q5, must have been mm between the cars!
Granny yesterday morning, right up my ass on the M2 countrybound in a white Yaris, I pulled in and she past me at 90 mph! I was in the 911.

She then tailgated all the way to Dunsilly right up behind people, vans, cars - totally mental!

Then crazies on the glenshane at 45mph and another set of idiots at 22mph through Drumahoe

What a morning.


RMS Regular
Disco and Saxo
Agree, he appeared to have absolutely no skills, it even seemed a bit of acceleration scared him. He must get about 6 months out of a set of pads.
It was probably in brake regen mode which means when you back off the throttle a bit, the car slows. Not sure what the threshold is for it bringing on brake lights though. Doesn’t actually use the brakes unless you press the brake pedal. Probably still a tit though


RMS Regular
It was probably in brake regen mode which means when you back off the throttle a bit, the car slows. Not sure what the threshold is for it bringing on brake lights though. Doesn’t actually use the brakes unless you press the brake pedal. Probably still a tit though
Our leccy car doesn’t throw them on, much to the surprise of people that sit up your arse😂


RMS Regular
The eejit who came to a complete stop on the A1 to let me out of the sliproad at the outlet in Banbridge northbound. To be fair they couldn’t move into the outer lane so I slowed way down to come in behind them, but they slowed down to speed match me and by the end of the short sliproad I was stationary and they were stationary too waving me out in front of them. Good job there was no one else in lane 1 behind them. There’s courtesy then there’s stupidity!!

Big Jon

RMS Regular
G87 M2
What's the deal with people in the outside lane on a dual carriageway who sit at 67 then, when you come up behind them with the inside lane clear, they accelerate to insane speeds rather than move over?

big cyril

RMS Regular
@mikey that particular slip road is way too short and iirc it’s blocked off at the end ie you can’t continue on the hard shoulder if you don’t get out in time.


RMS Regular
@mikey that particular slip road is way too short and iirc it’s blocked off at the end ie you can’t continue on the hard shoulder if you don’t get out in time.
It is aye but I had no issues in stopping as the carriageway has right of way. They probably saw the Subaru and thought I was going to empty it rather than slow to pull behind them hence they slowed too. Awkwardness all round!


RMS Regular
Like others have said, people doing 38 in a 60 is the new normal! I could swear average speed is decreasing across the board. I will happily sit behind someone doing 50 in a 60 but 32 to 45 and im going to overtake at the next opportunity .

Whats the worst are the outside lane hoarders on dual carriageways doing 50 in a 70! The other night there were about 10 cars in the outside lane all sitting at 50. I sat behind them for a mile or two then got really annoyed so I moved into the inside lane and did the speed limit until I was past them all. I know you shouldnt do that but I was so pissed off at it always happening on the same road!


RMS Regular
718 T
Like others have said, people doing 38 in a 60 is the new normal! I could swear average speed is decreasing across the board. I will happily sit behind someone doing 50 in a 60 but 32 to 45 and im going to overtake at the next opportunity .

Whats the worst are the outside lane hoarders on dual carriageways doing 50 in a 70! The other night there were about 10 cars in the outside lane all sitting at 50. I sat behind them for a mile or two then got really annoyed so I moved into the inside lane and did the speed limit until I was past them all. I know you shouldnt do that but I was so pissed off at it always happening on the same road!

Bangor road is a nightmare for this. People sitting in the outside lane from Holywood to Bangor because they are turning right at the Rathgael road.


RMS Regular
Bangor road is a nightmare for this. People sitting in the outside lane from Holywood to Bangor because they are turning right at the Rathgael road.
True! The one that gets me is the Dundonald to Ards one! People go the whole way down that road in the outside lane doing 50