Who is the most hated on the road?

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RMS Regular
anything on the road that is this or looks similar will always be a nuisance

Does @Bryan not have one of these? Certainly someone on here was looking a window for one a while ago

Steve C

RMS Regular
I don't mind elderly people unless they're in a Micra, then I hate them so much it makes me want to explode.

Look at this woman, she is satan.



RMS Regular
Half an hour from the big smoke
Saab VW French
Counting down:

3. The bad attitudes, smart-arses and road-ragers, including:

a) The aggressive:

You'll come out of a side road into a 30 zone and build the car up to 30mph quickly. Meanwhile they'll appear from around a blind bend behind you doing nearly 60mph knowing full well they've entered a residential area and instead of lifting off they'll fly right up and tailgate you. Often they'll be driving the work van.

b) The rude:

If you are signalling to be let out they will ignore you even in a tailback. They'll sit across the front of your car when you're trying to emerge from a side road and blank you.

Or they be waiting to take off as quickly as possibly in a queue in case some poor barsteward might manage to get out if they hesitated a bit. Often they will be woman, or else men in cars that they believe to be good. Usually German executive cars or 4x4s and not actually anything interesting but it gives them their little sense of status so they'll be screwed if they're going to let you out in front of them.

c) the low self-esteem:

The ones that when merging, simply must out-pace you and cut in in front because nipping in behind you, although easier, would crush their fragile egos. They are usually driving the same stuff mentioned above. I quite enjoy spoiling these people's days.

2. The incompetent, including:

a) The dangerous

The sort that can't stay within a painted lane beside yours, or who will be coming towards you with their car over the central line and into yours, or who trundle out of a side road into a 60 zone as you're approaching quickly in full view, or who start overtaking without checking the mirror when you are already attempting to pass them and the car in front of them. (They've noticed you're doing it and want to have a go to!)
b) The infuriating, oblivious and/or stupid:

The sort who won't use the inside lane but don't seem prepared to drive at anywhere near the speed limit when hogging the outside lane for what seems like the whole journey. Or who'll urgently dive out of the bus lane even though the plate underneath states that they are allowed in it at that time of day. Which brings us to the top of the chart...

1. 3 + 2 = 1 (!) Yes, incompetence (2) combined with bad attitude (3) gets you to #1

These are the sort of lousy, low-down muthaphuggaz who won't be skilful enough to not crash into your car when your car is parked and unattended and who won't have the decency to not just drive on like nothing happened.

Lifetime achievement award goes to:

Traffic branch:

These guys exist to steal money from your pocket and hand it to our feudal overlords at the treasury so they can redistribute it to non-working couples with twenty-five children. It's all good because they find you going slightly faster than some sign states you're supposed to which is of course, depraved and shameful. You probably weren't in a built up area at the time and will have just passed a sign where the speed limit has been reduced. They'll have been hiding behind a nearby hedge. You can be fairly sure they won't notice any of the reckless and feckless tosspots mentioned above.


Oh I get why it happens, but I just can't fathom how people actually fall into that way of thinking.

"An Audi driver wouldn't let me out at a junction, so I hate Audis!!"

I've been blocked in, cut off and had altercations with various drivers over the years and I can honestly say they come in all makes and models - Audis, Renaults, Toyotas, Kias, whatever. I think sometimes people subconsciously target their vitriol at the more expensive/luxury brands because of what I would call the 99% mentality.

I mean, everyone wants to earn more money right? And when people do work harder and do earn more, they often buy a better class of car - and then end up getting hated for it by the same people who would probably buy that car too if they had the opportunity.

I'm generalising I know.

There's definitely a 'push to the front' mentality with these drivers. Flash car -> decent job -> always pushing in work -> reflected in road manners. I'd widen it out to anyone driving something that's new/under a couple of years old & has cost a few bob. I don't mind them at all though tbh, I'd do a fair bit of pushing myself if I'm honest but do it in stealth mode.... a 14 year old Suzuki Jimny convertible. No-one can hate a Jimny driver. Too busy pissing themselves laughing usually.


RMS Regular
Half an hour from the big smoke
Saab VW French
There's definitely a 'push to the front' mentality with these drivers. Flash car -> decent job -> always pushing in work -> reflected in road manners. I'd widen it out to anyone driving something that's new/under a couple of years old & has cost a few bob. I don't mind them at all though tbh, I'd do a fair bit of pushing myself if I'm honest but do it in stealth mode.... a 14 year old Suzuki Jimny convertible.
You just kind of know that they were in a Clio and then an old Golf a few years back but have got a company A6 now or X5 and some of them drive like they have a superiority complex. Like you'd want to be them. being a contrary bugger I just observe them and think to myself, "You think I'd want to be you in your A6 or X5?! Should have bought a secondhand Ultima GTR". :p


RMS Regular
Evo 5
You just kind of know that they were in a Clio and then an old Golf a few years back but have got a company A6 now or X5 and some of them drive like they have a superiority complex. Like you'd want to be them. being a contrary bugger I just observe them and think to myself, "You think I'd want to be you in your A6 or X5?! Should have bought a secondhand Ultima GTR". :p

To counter this argument I find some of the biggest tools I have encountered drive small cars, much the same as small man complex they try so hard to be taken seriously they are always in you face vying for attention


RMS Regular
Evo 5
I think we all just need to admit to and embrace our inner tool. Whilst I don't make a habit of it and I consider myself a relaxed driver not readily given to outburst of road rage I have been guilty of must of the aforementioned crimes over the years......


RMS Regular
Audi TT, A4
Some people have said cyclists here, but i have to defend them for once! last week or two has been alot of them about, and quite alot of bad corners hills and peeks you cant see over in a car unless your basically over, and not many areas for over taking even a cyclist. But have had various cyclists on separate occasions stand up on there pedals to see if the road was clear over the hill and if so waved me on past! Generally most ive came across have sat across the whole lane, and ment you basically had to sit behind them for miles.

Though the debate on car manufactures, swaping between the mini and the TT alot you do see quite a change in attitudes of other drivers. Coming up to merge lanes etc, 9 out of 10 times if im in the mini people will drive over the hatchings and try to squeeze in front of me forcing me to the side to let them in.....even though i was basically at the end of the merge, and by rights they should have pulled in behind (some cases a car or two behind they drove over the lines to try and jump the que) Same road same time next day.....but in the TT. 99% of the time they will not even attempt to force me to the side, they would merge behind me...even if there was space (and lane space) to merge infront of me. So its not always the Audi Drivers who seem to be the bossy people on the roads......people just dont want a bill for hitting such a nice car cause they were being cheeky lol...well ive come to the conclusion thats what it is.

People who sit so close to you on the dual carriage way/motorways.....and refuse to overtake you....would rather sit in your backseat....and people who tailgate in general. And most D-turbo owners 306s rovers etc...screwed out. etc...who think there cars are fast...and try to race anything that moves! Will sit at 30mph until you pull out to over take and its boot down reek everywere! Though im yet to have a problem getting past them...but its annoying they think that they can.....but thats more so the type of driver rather than the cars.

Though my first answer upon opening the topic was Most Hated on the road.....You @Brennan


RMS Regular
South Derry
and rides
Surprised no one has mentioned motorcyclists yet!

Nothing seems to infuriate other road users than a motorcyclist filtering through traffic.

Most drivers seem to think it's illegal and some blow their horn or even open their door as you filter past to try and stop you!


RMS Regular
They are allowed to ride two abreast except on busy roads and while going round corners, but the number of times I see cycle clubs out riding 3 or 4 abreast is just ridiculous!

It is illegal for them to ride more than 2 abreast at ANY time
It isn't, there is no such law.

It's in the Highway Code so clearly not a load of rubbish

https://www.gov.uk/rules-for-cyclists-59-to-82 Rule 66 (y) ;)
Advisory, not law.

Advice said:
Clothing. You should wear

  • a cycle helmet which conforms to current regulations, is the correct size and securely fastened

law said:
At night your cycle MUST have white front and red rear lights lit.

The use of MUST/MUST NOT in the Highway code denotes where the RTA/RVLR or relevant law has been quoted and/or simplified. This is explained in every Highway code book I've ever picked up.
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RMS Regular
A land far far away
It isn't, there is no such law.

Advisory, not law.


The use of MUST/MUST NOT in the Highway code denotes where the RTA/RVLR or relevant law has been quoted and/or simplified. This is explained in every Highway code book I've ever picked up.

I don't see anywhere there that it says those are just advisory guidelines?


RMS Regular
S13 road/S12 trk
Too many really but a few to start;

Cyclists for sure.

Anybody in anything vag in general.

The ones who drive desperately slowly around the bends like 20-30mph who then insist of flooring it on the straights leaving you to either have to sit behind them or speed to get past them these are usually the typical three mentioned in the first post.

People who do not realise that they have things on their cars called lights, not putting them on when reduced visibility (rain,fog etc) then give you dirty looks, finger when you dare to flash to indicate they maybe should put them on. Or the other extreme who drive about with fog lights, main beams everywhere.

People on the motorway/duel carriageway who think that just be sauce you have left yourself a decent space from a car infront that it's grand for them to bardge in more often than not without even bothering to signal!!


RMS Regular
I don't see anywhere there that it says those are just advisory guidelines?
I noticed the same when I was looking for the law stating it was illegal for cyclists to ride more than two abreast.
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